The Pearl of People’s Park: A Position Paper on the Conservation of People’s Park Complex (Part 3 of 5)

This is the third of five posts on Docomomo Singapore’s proposals for the conservation and adaptive reuse of this pioneering modernist structure in Singapore. Our full Position Paper can be downloaded here.

This post contains the following sections (highlighted in red) from the full Position Paper:

1. Introduction
2. Building Data
3. Site & Building History

4. Summary Statement of Significance
5. Key Elements & Principles for Retention

6. Policy & Process Strategies
7. Programmatic Strategies

8. Building-Level Strategies
9. Precinct-Level Strategies
Bibliography & Further Reading

6. Policy & Process Strategies

Balancing commercial incentives, protection and custodianship in the conservation of PPC

Incentivising the conservation of PPC may springboard from the incentives offered by the Ministry of National Development (MND) in 2021 to gazette Golden Mile Complex (GMC) for conservation.

They may include:

  • Amalgamation of adjacent plots for development, allowing for the commercial viability from intensification whilst conserving PPC;

  • Enabling lease renewal or top-up to a fresh 99-year lease;

  • Discounts on Land Betterment Charge to incentivise developers to increase the value of the land that PPC currently is sited upon.

While the proposed policy strategies and recommendations strive to ensure the financial feasibility of conserving PPC, other policies are required to protect the existing building.

1. Legibility and additional Gross Floor Area (GFA)

The incentive should not exert so much pressure on the existing building such that it requires invasive structural modifications or measures such as decanting extant floor slabs.

2. Flexibility for new mix of uses

PPC should be allowed to be adapted for relevant uses today. The change-of-use should not involve extensive decanting in the name of intensification.

The next few sections in this Position Paper explores the various possibilities of balancing these priorities in the conservation of PPC.

Summary of planning incentives that MND offered for the conservation of GMC from 27 May 2022. (Source: The Straits Times)


7. Programmatic Strategies

An urban plaza created by the sensitive interfacing between PPC and People’s Park (HDB). (Source: HDB Annual Report 1973-74)

PPC: An ideal building in an ideal location

In view of PPC’s social and national significance, its commercial feasibility and generic market viability (e.g. standard commercial redevelopment) cannot be the only prevailing consideration.

The creation of healthy and mixed living communities representative of (or synergistic with) its historic role as a hub of social significance is crucial to its future success.

A way to mitigate critical issues of adaptive reuse – such as the technical, financial and practical feasibility – is to capitalise on the value of the ideal building in an ideal location. PPC presents an opportunity to develop an innovative product that takes advantage of its proximity to the Singapore General Hospital, amongst numerous other amenities

This scheme brings together residences for older people or persons with disabilities who require some help with their daily living as well as a variety of other residential and commercial uses. It is a win-win solution that balances the needs of an ageing society with the limited land in Singapore. The unprecedented project will also establish the country as a pioneer in “integrated senior living”.

Assisted Living integrated into a rehabilitated PPC with a mix of uses


PPC will become home to a mix of assisted living residences, serviced apartments and co-working spaces. These are supported by amenities such as daycare, rehabilitation, childcare and commercial units.


The broad mix of uses means PPC will continue to be accessible to people from all walks of lives – seniors, professionals, tourists and locals.


By integrating assisted living and its amenities into the city centre, PPC can lead the way in innovating urban solutions for seniors.


While taking on a fresh programme, the conserved PPC can continue to serve as the gateway to the Pearl's Hill–Kreta Ayer–Keong Saik precinct.

Possible Programming


  • Luxury hotel; Serviced apartment residences

  • Assisted living for older persons

  • Care centre for older persons and rehabilitation

  • Childcare facilities

  • Urban farming


  • Commercial, Food & Beverage

  • Co-working spaces

  • Viewing Deck

  • Urban farming

  • Event spaces in the City Room and City Mall

This strategy seeks to retain the residential nature of the slab block, thus minimising the need for extensive structural modifications to accommodate a change-of-use that is of greater intensity than its incumbent program.

By adopting a “light touch” approach, the scheme also retains the Slab on Podium massing, the morphology of the City Room whilst keeping its urban envelope intact (highlighted in red).

PPC Position Paper Working Group and Contributors

CHANG Jiat-Hwee
Calvin CHUA
ENG Jia Wei
FONG Hoo Cheong
HAN Jiajun Adrian

HO Weng Hin
KOH V-Nying
LAI Chee Kien
Ronald LIM

Jonathan POH
Imran bin TAJUDEEN
TAN Kar Lin

DocomomoSG would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals for their kind assistance and support:

Mr LAI Kuo Cheong
Mr PEH Ching Her
Mr Victor YUE

Bibliography & Further Reading

  • Asian Building & Construction. 1975. “Singapore project retains way of life.” Asian Building & Construction, April 1975. Hong Kong: Far East Trade Press.

  • Centre for Liveable Cities. 2014. Urban Systems Studies – Land Acquisition and Resettlement: Securing Resources for Development. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities.

  • Centre for Liveable Cities. 2016. Urban Systems Studies – Urban Redevelopment: From Urban Squalor to Global City. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities.

  • Centre for Liveable Cities. 2021. Urban Systems Studies – The Government Land Sales Programme: Turning Plans into Reality. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities.

  • Chang, Jiat Hwee, Ho, Weng Hin & Tan, Kar Lin. 2018. “Adding value without demolition, rebuilding: Regenerating Singapore’s modernist icons.” The Business Times. Singapore: The Straits Times, 6 April. Accessed 22 January, 2025.

  • Chang, Jiat-Hwee, Justin Zhuang, and Darren Soh. 2023. Everyday Modernism. Singapore: Ridge Books Singapore.

  • Chang, Jiat Hwee, Ho, Weng Hin & Tan, Kar Lin. “Conserve a building, save the planet.” The Straits Times. Singapore: The Straits Times, 12 November. A24.

  • Chin, Soo Fang. 2023. “People’s Park Complex being studied for conservation, may impact collective sale.” The Straits Times. Singapore: The Straits Times, 22 December.

  • Choe, Alan. 2017. “The Early Years of Nation-Building: Reflections on Singapore’s Planning History.” In 50 Years of Urban Planning in Singapore, edited by Heng Chye Kiang. Singapore: World Scientific.

  • Chua, Beng Huat. 1989. The Golden Shoe: Building Singapore’s Financial District. Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.

  • Dobbs, Steven, and Loh Kah Seng. 2023. “The Origins of Urban Renewal in Singapore: A Transnational History.” Journal of Urban History, 49 (1): 60-84.

  • Docomomo Singapore. 2019. 8th mASEANa International Conference Singapore 2019. Accessed 21 January, 2025.

  • Docomomo Singapore. 2023. Docomomo Singapore Statement on People’s Park Complex. Accessed 21 January, 2025.

  • DP Architects. 2018. DP Architects: 50 Years Since 1967. London: Artifice Press.

  • Eng, Jia Wei. 2023. People’s Park Complex: Heart Transplant in the City Centre 60 Years Ago. Accessed 21 January, 2025.

  • Far East Architect & Builder. 1967. “S$90M. Urban Renewal Projects, Singapore.” Far East Architect & Builder, August 1967. Hong Kong: Far East Trade Press.

  • Far East Architect & Builder. 1968. “People’s Park Shopping and Flats Complex.” Far East Architect & Builder, February 1968. Hong Kong: Far East Trade Press.

  • Far East Builder. 1969. “Park Road – Pilot project in urban renewal.” Far East Builder, August 1969. Hong Kong: Far East Trade Press.

  • Far East Builder. 1969. “Tenders for People’s Park Complex.” Far East Builder, January 1969. Hong Kong: Far East Trade Press.

  • Far East Builder. 1971. “Space for all in People’s Park Complex.” Far East Builder, April 1971. Hong Kong: Far East Trade Press.

  • Heng, C.K., and V. Chan. 2000. “The making of successful public space: a case study of People’s Park Square.” Urban Design International 5: 47-55.

  • Ho, Weng Hin, Dinesh Naidu, and Kar Lin Tan. 2015. Our Modern Past: A Visual Survey of Singapore Architecture 1920s-1970s. Singapore: Singapore Institute of Architects.

  • Ho, Weng Hin. 2021. Pearl Bank Apartments. 12 May. Accessed 25 January, 2025.

  • Ho, Weng Hin. 2021. People’s Park Complex. 12 May. Accessed 21 January, 2025.

  • Housing & Development Board. 1967. Housing & Development Board Annual Report 1967. Singapore: Housing & Development Board.

  • Housing & Development Board. 1968. Housing & Development Board Annual Report 1968. Singapore: Housing & Development Board.

  • Housing & Development Board. 1969. Housing & Development Board Annual Report 1969. Singapore: Housing & Development Board.

  • Housing & Development Board. 1970. Housing & Development Board Annual Report 1970. Singapore: Housing & Development Board.

  • Koh, Seow Chuan. n.d. The Opening of People’s Park Complex. Accessed 21 January, 2025.

  • Lee, Michael Hong Hwee. 2016. People’s Park Complex. Accessed 21 January, 2025.

  • Lim, William S.W. 1990. Cities for People: Reflections of a Southeast Asian Architect. Singapore: Select Books.

  • Lim, William S.W. 1998. Asian New Urbanism and Other Papers. Singapore: Select Books.

  • Lim, William S.W. 2004. Architecture, Art, Identity in Singapore: Is There Life After Tabula Rasa? Singapore: Asian Urban Lab.

  • Luo, Stephanie. 2018. “Pearl Bank Apartments in Outram sold en bloc to CapitaLand for S$728m.” The Straits Times. Singapore: The Straits Times, 13 February.

  • mASEANa Project 2019. 2020. “Progressive Once More”: Rejuvenating Mid-Century Modern Architecture in Southeast Asia.” Issuu. Accessed 22 January, 2025.

  • Ng, Keng Gene. 2021. “URA to study how to give Singapore’s ageing modernist buildings a new lease of life.” The Straits Times. Singapore: The Straits Times, 16 April.

  • Ng, Keng Gene. 2021. “Conservation of Golden Mile Complex paves way to protect S’pore’s modernist buildings.” The Straits Times. Singapore: The Straits Times, 26 October.

  • Ng, Keng Gene. 2022. “Golden Mile Complex gazetted as conserved building; future developers to get building incentives.” The Straits Times. Singapore: The Straits Times, 27 May.

  • Seng, Eunice. 2013. “The Podium, the Tower and the ‘People’: The Private Development of a Public Complex, c.1965-1970.” In Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand 30, Open, edited by Alexandra Brown and Andrew Leach. Queensland: SAHANZ.

  • Seng, Eunice. 2019. “People’s Park Complex: The State, the Developer, the Architect, and the Conditioned Public, c.1967 to the Present.” In Southeast Asia’s Modern Architecture: Questions of Translation, Epistemology and Power, edited by Chang Jiat-Hwee and Imran bin Tajudeen. Singapore: NUS Press.

  • Singapore Heritage Society. 2018. “Too Young to Die: Giving New Lease of Life to Singapore’s Modernist Icons.” August. Accessed 22 January, 2025.

  • Tham, Davina. 2021. “Golden Mile Complex gazette as conserved building.” Channel News Asia. Singapore: Channels News Asia, 22 October.

  • Urban Redevelopment Authority. 1975. Urban Redevelopment Authority Annual Report 1974-5. Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.

  • Urban Redevelopment Authority. 1983. Chronicle of Sale Sites: A Pictorial Chronology of the Sale of Sites Programme for Private Development. Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.

  • Wee, H. Koon. 2019. “The Emergence of the Global and Social City: Golden Mile and the Politics of Urban Renewal.” Planning Perspectives 35 (4): 689–718.

  • Wee, H. Koon. 2020. “An incomplete megastructure: the Golden Mile Complex, global planning education, and the pedestrianised city.” The Journal of Architecture 25 (4): 472-506.

  • Wong, Yunn Chii. 2005. Singapore 1:1 City: A gallery of architecture & urban design. Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority.

2025 Docomomo Singapore. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher.


The Pearl of People’s Park: A Position Paper on the Conservation of People’s Park Complex (Part 4 of 5)


The Pearl of People’s Park: A Position Paper on the Conservation of People’s Park Complex (Part 2 of 5)