Docomomo Happenings.

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Events Docomomo SG Events Docomomo SG

Join Docomomo for our first fundraising film screening.

A great evening with film screening of 2020's Cannes Official Selection — Gagarine followed by a panel discussion and a silent auction.

The ticket is $30 per person. The event will happen at The Projector at Golden Mile Tower.

Learn more about the event and get your ticket today.

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News Docomomo SG News Docomomo SG

Why Singapore’s ‘Ugly’ Buildings Should Be Conserved.

A New York Times’ student editorial contest winner, 17-year-old Ju Hwan Kim wrote “...the architecture embodies the rapid growth of Singapore during this period, right after the country attained independence in 1965. These buildings reflect the hard work and resilience of that era and have come to represent Singaporean identity itself.”

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Events Docomomo SG Events Docomomo SG

Stop Architectural Deforestation

On 11 June 2021, Docomomo SG Chairperson — Ho Weng Hin — joined Encounters with Southeast Asia Modernism (SEAM — Encounters) for a video presentation on the demolition of modernist buildings in Singapore. The presentation is a part of Contested Modernities: The Present of Modernity Online symposium.

A video by Jonathan Yee Chenxin, Freda Yu Bing Jie, Ge Luyao and presented by Ho Weng Hin.

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Statements Jiat-Hwee Chang Statements Jiat-Hwee Chang

From the heroic to the everyday: An expanded framework for modern architecture in Singapore.

There is a large number and great diversity of buildings in Singapore that can be considered as modern. By modern, we are referring to not just architectural aesthetics but also constructional and environmental techniques, socio-economic processes, cultures, and political rationalities. The quantity and diversity are rooted in Singapore’s short but vibrant history variously as a colonial port city, a post-independent developmental state, and a contemporary global city. In this short introduction of the inventory list, we provide a brief sketch of how the shortlisted modernist buildings help to bring this rich socio-cultural history to life.

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News Docomomo SG News Docomomo SG

URA to study how to give Singapore’s ageing modernist buildings a new lease of life.

Article on The Straits Times - URA to study how to give Singapore's ageing modernist buildings a new lease of life.

Time has taken its toll on many large modernist buildings, which are in need of major retrofitting and upgrading. Now, these simple structures will be the subject of a study called by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) to guide its policies on how to maintain and rehabilitate them.

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News Docomomo SG News Docomomo SG

Making modern architecture great again.

Article on Docomomo Singapore in A Magazine:

“Meet The Movement Fighting To Protect Singapore’s Modernist BuildingsThe demolition of significant modernist buildings needs to stop, says Docomomo Singapore, which is determined to make sure it does.”

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Events Docomomo SG Events Docomomo SG

8th mASEANa International Conference Singapore 2019

The conference aims to uncover and showcase how innovative adaptive reuse of modernist buildings and sites - once seen as avant-garde and progressive - could imbue a new lease of life and recover their 'cutting edge' through creative planning, programming and design, tackling pressing global issues such as environmental sustainability and urban liveability.

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